How We Help You
CounselingKingdom CDC's First-Time Homebuyer's program equips future homeowners with the knowledge to make an informed purchase decision. The one-on-one sessions address savings, credit, and debt barriers to homeownership and use the latest industry tools, including client management systems, techniques, and resources. Our program strives to prepare prospective buyers for the realistic responsibilities of attaining the American Dream. The three major components of the program are one-on-one pre-purchase counseling, an IDA-matched savings program, and post-purchase counseling.
CounselingKingdom CDC's First-Time Homebuyer's program equips future homeowners with the knowledge to make an informed purchase decision. The one-on-one sessions address savings, credit, and debt barriers to homeownership and use the latest industry tools, including client management systems, techniques, and resources. Our program strives to prepare prospective buyers for the realistic responsibilities of attaining the American Dream. The three major components of the program are one-on-one pre-purchase counseling, an IDA-matched savings program, and post-purchase counseling.
Foreclosure Prevention
If you are a homeowner in need of help preventing the loss of your home due to hardship, let our counselors assist you. Kingdom Community Development Corporation has HUD Certified Housing Counselors trained to discuss your options in a one-on-one session. Your counselor will review your financial situation and present you with ways to avoid foreclosure and prevent any further default. During your session, the counselor will discuss ways to resolve the mortgage-related hardship and bring your loan current. We want you to hold on to the precious asset that is your home for your family to grow generational wealth. If you need help with preventing foreclosure, contact the office for assistance and submit everything that is requested to get started.
Property Management
Kingdom Community Development Corporation believes decent and affordable housing is a human right. Which is the reason property management has been incorporated into its portfolio. Kingdom CDC owns 32 single-family residential properties managed and maintained according to the standards of the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Rates are based on Fair Market Rents for the area in which the properties are built as established by HUD and are subject to change annually. Kingdom CDC’s rental properties are not “income-based” but are subject to the rules regarding tenants that are at or below 80% of the area median income. So, we encourage those that want to reside in a safe, decent, and affordable dwelling to complete a [rental application] for review.
Budget Counseling
Kingdom CDC has expertly trained and certified Housing Financial Counselors on staff to assist you with improving your money management skills. We provide one-on-one counseling to individuals who need assistance with spending and goal planning, credit improvement, and asset building. We also facilitate community seminars and workshops on these topics to build consumer awareness of resources and opportunities related to financial fitness. Please give Kingdom CDC a call to schedule an appointment or check our calendar for an opportunity to attend a workshop.